FTP is an abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol – a quite popular method of sending files between a PC and a web server. With an FTP client program such as CuteFTP or FileZilla, you can make a connection to the server and check its content in one pane, whereas the files on your computer will be displayed in another pane within the main program window. All you’ll have to do to send files or whole folders in either direction is to select them and then to drag them from one pane to the other. File Transfer Protocol is used by lots of users because you can set up different FTP accounts and each of them can be limited to access just one folder on the server, so a designer, for instance, can complete their job without being able to view any other directory in the hosting account. Plus, the presence of different FTP accounts will also enable you to create multiple Internet sites with web design tools like Dreamweaver or FrontPage and to upload them to their corresponding folders on the server.

FTP Accounts in Web Hosting

Each of the web hosting plans that we offer will permit you to set up unlimited FTP accounts, so you will be able to manage the content of your sites separately or to give other persons access to any website in your website hosting account. In case you’ve got a web design app pre-installed on your PC, you will be able to run numerous Internet sites all at once and to update them without effort. In case you give the login details to another person to perform a particular task, you’ll be able to modify the password for that FTP account or to remove it altogether with only a couple of clicks of the mouse and avoid any possibility of unauthorized access to your content from then on. For the sake of convenience, all FTP accounts that you set up will be shown alphabetically in the respective section of your Hepsia Control Panel.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers

You’ll be able to connect to your semi-dedicated server account via FTP whatever the semi-dedicated server package that you’ve opted for upon signup, as the FTP access is among the standard features that you will be able to take advantage of. All our packages include an unlimited FTP account allowance, so you will be able to set up as many FTP accounts as you need from the Hepsia Control Panel with which you will be able to manage your website content too. All the FTP accounts will be displayed alphabetically in the Control Panel and if you do not require a certain account any longer, you can simply remove it and stop people who have used it before from accessing it again. The latter option is particularly useful in case you use the services of a web developer or if an IT expert leaves the company and you do not want them to connect to the web files any longer. An extensive Help section that includes tutorial video clips will help you manage your FTP accounts in case you have no previous experience.